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  • kevindraw

Version 0.1 Completed

A fully playable version of Salty Seas is now available for Download on

I have made significant upgrades to the game system, which have not yet been introduced here. Over the next several blog posts I plan to discuss different aspects of my game and the development process.

This version consists of four levels. The first three are structured as a tutorial, while the fourth is meant to be more open and closer to what I want the final gameplay to resemble.

I have many improvements already planned, but the reason I developed this executable was so I could get a fresh viewpoint on the game. Having to actually consider how to create tutorials for the game forces me to consider the level development tools I had built and how I wanted newcomers to experience the game. Extensive playtesting also allowed me to find several different bugs hidden in the code.

Additionally, I hope to get some feedback from other people playing the game. Their perspectives can help me reconsider the systems I am building as I continue.

The next step for the game's development is to go over my code again and begin cleaning it up. There are some inefficiencies I noted during development that should be corrected, and I need to provide better comments on these core sections now that development will be turning towards other parts of the project.

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